Beyond the Page: Open-Access & Open-Source Digital Literary Archives

For notes on this session & my participation in others, see: [].

I would like to propose a session on Digital Literary Archives.

Who should be involved in the design & development of the digital literary archive at the college / university level? Authors . . . Readers . . . Librarians . . . Scholars . . . Publishers . . . Editors . . . Students . . . Programmers . . . Booksellers? Can we imagine an open-access & open-source model for the digital literary archive, one that would build opportunities for collaborative research, creativity, authorship, and publication?

For my contribution to ThatCAMP, I would like to explore new directions for my research, publication, and teaching that are converging in dynamic ways. The changing roles for digital archives define the nexus of that convergence. I recently led the NEH Digital Archives Workshop for the University of Denver’s Digital Humanities Institute [] and will be presenting a related paper in November at the “Reconfiguring Authorship” conference at the University of Ghent []. I have also co-authored (with faculty colleagues at the Penrose Library, Peggy Keeran and Jennifer Bowers) a book chapter in a forthcoming MLA volume, Teaching Early Modern Literature from the Archives. And I am the founding editor of two electronic, peer-reviewed, MLA-indexed and EBSCO-distributed journals, Appositions: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture; and Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture. These experiences have led me to new questions about collaborative research, teaching, and publishing, which I have recently addressed in a journal article, “WYSIWYG Poetics: Reconfiguring the Fields for Creative Writers and Scholars,” in the Journal of Electronic Publishing (Fall, 2011): [].

How might digital literary archives facilitate new forms and fields of knowledge within and beyond academia? How might such non-conformist DH projects engender new relationships within, across, and beyond Departments and Divisions?

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About W. Scott

W. Scott Howard received his Ph.D. in English and Critical Theory from the University of Washington. He teaches in the Department of English and in the Emergent Digital Practices program at the University of Denver, where he is Associate Professor. He is the founding editor of two peer reviewed journals: Reconfigurations, A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture; and Appositions, Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture. His essays on digital poetics have appeared in The Journal of Electronic Publishing, Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, and Double Room.

1 Response to Beyond the Page: Open-Access & Open-Source Digital Literary Archives

  1. How can the Library help DH Faculty blaze R&D paths for innovative scholarship, platforms, archives, and social networking?

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